sexta-feira, 17 de abril de 2015

Progressive Diplopia and Facial Weakness in a 62-Year-Old Woman

Progressive Diplopia and Facial Weakness in a 62-Year-Old Woman 
Diplopia progressiva e fraqueza facial em uma mulher de 62 anos de idade.

Monika R. Kolloori, MD, Luis J. Mejico, MD, Joseph Corbo, MD, PhD, Aseem Sharma, MD, Melissa W. Ko, MD 

Dr. Kolloori: 
A 62-year-old woman presented to a local emergency department with horizontal diplopia that she first noted upon awakening the previous day. She had experienced a mild headache the prior evening but was otherwise well and denied any constitutional symptoms, concurrent or recent illnesses, jaw claudication, or eye pain. She had a history of hypercholesterolemia. Physical examination revealed normal vital signs. The patient’s visual acuity, intraocular pressures, and funduscopy were normal, and she had a mild abduction deficit of the left eye. Hematologic studies including complete blood count, metabolic panel, and sedimentation rate were normal. Noncontrast computed tomography (CT) of the head and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain with and without contrast were performed.

Este artigo aborda a doença de Lyme, transmitida pelo carrapato e que provoca entre outras coisas febre, calafrios, fadiga, dores no corpo e dor de cabeça pode acompanhar a erupção cutânea, dor nas articulações, inflamação ocular. Causada pela bactéria Borrelia burgdorferi ( Este artigo aborda alguns outros sintomas da doença de Lyme em uma mulher de 62 anos, que muitas vezes são confundidos com casos de linfoma.

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