domingo, 29 de maio de 2016

Mix and Match Color Vision: Tuning Spectral Sensitivity by Differential Opsin Gene Expression in Lake Malawi Cichlids

Mix and Match Color Vision: Tuning Spectral Sensitivity by Differential Opsin Gene Expression in Lake Malawi Cichlids
Authors: Juliet W.L. Parry, Karen L. Carleton, Tyrone Spady, Aba Carboo, David M. Hunt,
and James K. Bowmaker.
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Cichlid fish of the East African Rift Lakes are renowned for their diversity and offer a unique opportunity to study adaptive changes in the visual system in rapidly evolving species flocks [1, 2]. Since color plays a significant role in mate choice [3–6], differences in visual sensitivities could greatly influence and even drive speciation of cichlids. Lake Malawi cichlids inhabiting rock and sand habitats have significantly different cone spectral sensitivities [7, 8]. By combining microspectrophotometry (MSP) of isolated cones, sequencing of opsin genes, and spectral
analysis of recombinant pigments, we have established the cone complements of four species of Malawi cichlids. MSP demonstrated that each of these species predominately expresses three cone pigments, although these differ between species to give three spectrally different cone complements. In addition, rare populations of spectrally distinct cones were found. In total, seven spectral classes were identified. This was confirmed by opsin gene sequencing, expression, and in vitro reconstitution. The genes represent the four major classes of cone opsin genes that diverged early in vertebrate evolution [9]. All four species possess a long-wave-sensitive (LWS), three spectrally distinct green-sensitive (RH2), a bluesensitive (SWS2A), a violet-sensitive (SWS2B), and an
ultraviolet-sensitive (SWS1) opsin. However, African cichlids determine their spectral sensitivity by differential expression of primarily only three of the seven available cone opsin genes. Phylogenetic analysis suggests that all percomorph fish have similar potential.

Introdução à Teoria Geral da Administração

Introdução à Teoria Geral da Administração
Autor: Idalberto Chiavenato
Edição: 7ª
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