Comparative Morphology of the Eye (With Particular Attention to the
Retina) in Various Species of Cardinal Fish (Apogonidae, Teleostei).
Authors: Lev Fishelson, Guy Ayalon, Adi Zverdling & Roi Holzman.
Various parameters of the eye dimension
and structure have been compared in 15 species of cardinal fish (Apogonidae),
including both nocturnal and diurnal forms, mostly inhabiting rocky habitats in
tropical and subtropical regions. In general, in the nocturnal forms the eye and
retina are larger than in the diurnal fish of similar dimensions. In the
nocturnal species, eye diameter to body length is ca. 12–13%, whereas in the
diurnal species it is less than 10%. Retina size in adult fish of the various
species varies from 20 mm2 to 183 mm2. Cytological examination of the studied
retinas revealed that they are composes, additional to rods (20–40 micrômetros), of both bulbous and slender double cones,
as well as single cones. These cones form a mosaic comprising four double with
one single in the center, a pattern that is less prominent at the periphery of
the retina and more so in the fundus. The rod ellipsoids reveal normal mitochondria,
whereas the cones bear ellipsoids featuring opaque and unusual, ellipsosomelike
mitochondria. The number of rods in a retinas varies from 15 to 128 million,
and the number of cones from 460,000 to 5,673,000. As revealed in cardinal fish
of similar dimensions, the number of visual cells found in the retina is much
higher in the nocturnal than in the diurnal species. The ecological and
developmental aspects of the observed phenomena are discussed.
Key words: cardinal fish; eye dimension
comparison; retina size; visual cells; ellipsoids and ellipsosomes; synapses.